Did you miss last week's General Membership Meeting? Not only was this our March GMM, but it was our first Prospective Member social as well! Membership Outreach and League Members brought in over 40 prospective members to our pre-meeting social and they stayed to see what a League meeting is like. (If you know someone who would be a great asset to our League, visit the Join section of our website for more info and future Open House dates.)
Eugenie Atherton and Alexia Clements from Fund Development held a second raffle for a luxurious Four Seasons Spa day (the first one was at the last GMM), the lucky winner was Sara Hollister! Congratulations Sara! Sara won the package (valued at $700) which includes a yoga class, lunch, and a 60-minute spa service for four. We raised over $2,000 for the League with these two raffles, and Fund Development will raffle off another Luxurious Four Seasons Spa package at the May GMM, be sure to purchase your raffle tickets at the meeting!
Angela Espinosa (Strategic Planning MAL) introduced the Strategic Planning Task force including herself, Ansley Jentz, Vanessa Roach, Jill Shanmugasundaram, and Jan Woolsey. The Task Force identified five areas the League should focus on:
Strategic Planning
Strategic Continuum
On Going Strategic Planning Council
Leadership development
Volunteer training
Nominating Process
Place best fit candidates
Continuity and League career planning
Opportunities and responsibilities
Membership satisfaction
Sustainer satisfaction
Connecting Sustainers and Actives
Expect to hear more about this in the future!
Project News: First Teachers is sunsetting...Introducing our New Project
Redwood City Library's Project READ

Project READ Co-Chairs for 2011-12 are Holly Tambling and Kirsten Crum
Here are some facts about our new project:
Founded in 1987 at the Redwood City Public Library
Project READ provides individualized literacy learning plans and tutoring to children from the most disadvantaged areas of Redwood City
Project READ gets results. After a year with Project READ, students improve their reading by 3.5 levels on average
Opportunity to help between 40-80 children grades K-8 significantly improve their reading skills
Great one-on-one volunteer experience in the evening
Convenient Redwood City location
So what exactly will our Project READ committee members do next year?
1. Work with students to develop and run monthly book club.
Book club will be facilitated and led by League volunteers and held in the evening during tutoring hours.
2. Tutor children at the drop in tutoring center from 6pm-9pm.
What potential impact will the League have on Project READ?
With the monthly book club, Project READ will be able to offer an additional literacy enrichment activity that currently is not available to students.
League volunteers on a regular basis mean more students can be tutored one-on-one and students won't have to wait as long for tutoring.
After serving on this project, our volunteers will be trained literacy tutors for life.
We also had a very heartfelt presentation by Project READ's director Kathleen Endaya. It was very inspiring and it is clear that with the League’s involvement, Project READ will be able to help many more clients than they currently serve.
In addition to a great overview of our new Project, we had very informative and inspiring presentations about two of our current Projects, Fostering Families and Shelter Network. Keep an eye out on our Blog for future stories and our Facebook Page (Newsfeed) to see some interesting facts about these Projects. (www.facebook.com/jlpamp)
It's Placement time again!

We ended the meeting with our annual Placement fair, where all Members had the chance to ask questions of current committee members and in many instances, next year's leaders, to help them determine where they want to spend their valuable volunteer time for our next League year. Can you believe that is just around the corner?
There are so many ways to spend your time and we have many resources to help you figure it out. Visit our website and either click on the Green Placement button on the home page, or login to the Member Area and scroll down to the Placement Manual. This year the Placement Manual also has a nifty graph to help you get a feel for each placement’s "busy times".
Also, if you've received your Piper magazine, there are several articles that can give you additional insight into a few committees.
Interested in helping the League increase Member and Community awareness of our activities? Read "The Social Network" on page 12 to learn more about Communications, our League's Social Media initiative and next year’s new structure. Looking for a Community Project? Peruse this issue for DIAD and Fostering Families (start page 8). Ready to dive into fundraising? Check out the Home Tour Wrap Up on page 24. Read on to see why several of our Members "Belong" to our League, maybe they will inspire you to try something new!
Even if you were already slated by Nominating, be sure to complete your online Placement by April 1st! And don't forget to pay your dues!
As usual, our GMM was festive and in keeping with the St. Patrick's Day theme, we all had pots of gold that were likely eaten by the end of the meeting! Thank you to the Enrichment Committee for their hard work in creating a fun environment for our GMM!
And Mark Your Calendars for our next GMM on Wednesday, May 18th!
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