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President Meaux Costello (right) with group of Sustainers |
March 25, 2012
Cosmos and Chocolate
By Rachana Shah, Communications Team
The Sustainers got together in February for a pre-Valentine's Day fun at Girls Night Out: Cosmos and Chocolate. The event was held at the Sugar Shack, a darling candy store in the heart of downtown Menlo Park owned by Sustainer Suzi Tinsley (you might have noticed it on your last trip to The Shop...it is right across the street). A diverse mix of around twenty-two Sustainers, joined by Junior League President Meaux Costello, were greeted by a private bartender who served up cosmopolitans in sugar-rimmed glasses adorned with yummy-gummies. The group mingled over cocktails and a wide variety of desserts as they reconnected with their Junior League friends on a Thursday night.
March 21, 2012
Member Spotlight: March Edition, Group 6
Welcome to the JLPA-MP's March edition of Member Spotlight. Check out the first published group from this series on February 27, 2012.
Name: Allison Felder
2011-12 Placement: Project Development
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Cambodia – stayed in a small village call Chi Phat. Living with family, hiking, mountain biking was a great physical and cultural experience.
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
You can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do, but it takes hard work.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Reviewing ‘There ought to be a Project’ submissions!
2011-12 Placement: Project READ
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Too many to name, but any place that I can share with my family.
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Always read the directions!
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Working on Project READ and sharing the experience with my daughter who will have be tutoring.
2011-12 Placement: DIAD
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Paris – loved it!
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Don’t give up just because it’s hard.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Creating opportunities that allow league members and their families to give back to the community. We are all so blessed!
Name: Kelly Dayton
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Committee Mentor
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
New Caledonia, Canada
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Never judge someone after a first meeting. My high school headmaster always gave boring speeches in chapel. When we needed a dynamic speaker I didn’t call him. Another faculty member suggested him and I said “No way, he is a terrible speaker.” After calling people all night, I called the headmaster in a last attempt and asked him to speak the next morning. He responded, “I am so honored that you asked me. I would love to open the school Olympics.” The next morning he gave the most dynamic and humorous speech anyone had ever heard. It was fabulous! At the end he asked the audience if people liked it and acknowledged that I thought he was a boring speaker. Everyone in the audience laughed. I died of embarrassment but learned a lesson I will never forget.
March 20, 2012
Member Spotlight: March Edition, Group 5
Thank you for checking out the March edition of Member Spotlights. You can view the first published group from this series on February 27, 2012.
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
I learned the hard way in college that it’s important to speak up if someone isn’t pulling their weight on a team project.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Having the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and become more active in the community.
Name: Dana Orquiza
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Never have a fire source near an oxygen supply.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Projects and a new network of friends.
Name: Marisa Dittmer
2011-12 Placement: Project READ
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
This summer I traveled to Peru with my husband and hiked the Inca trail. It was amazing! A once in a lifetime experience.
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
I learned early on that people don’t like being corrected all the time (yes, I was that obnoxious student, but not for long)!
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Working on Project READ and being involved with such a great organization.
March 15, 2012
Children and the Internet
By Brittany Lothe, Communications Team
Protecting our children against becoming victims of crime – especially online – must be a national priority. As part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, JLPA-MP hosted an informative training presented by the FBI on how adults can facilitate children using the Internet more safely.
Many league members attended the training, including Noelle Gonsalves. I found the evening very informative. As a teacher, I knew many of the dangers of children using the Internet, but now as a parent, I have become even more aware of the importance of using a strong filter to post and receive information. The FBI officer was a fantastic speaker who was also a parent, and related his own family life to the topic which was very helpful and insightful.
Below you will find tips for keeping your children safe online and what to do if you think your child is in danger.
Signs That Your Child Might Be At Risk On-line:
What Can You Do To Minimize The Chances Of An On-line Pretender Victimizing Your Child?
Protecting our children against becoming victims of crime – especially online – must be a national priority. As part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, JLPA-MP hosted an informative training presented by the FBI on how adults can facilitate children using the Internet more safely.
Many league members attended the training, including Noelle Gonsalves. I found the evening very informative. As a teacher, I knew many of the dangers of children using the Internet, but now as a parent, I have become even more aware of the importance of using a strong filter to post and receive information. The FBI officer was a fantastic speaker who was also a parent, and related his own family life to the topic which was very helpful and insightful.
Below you will find tips for keeping your children safe online and what to do if you think your child is in danger.
Signs That Your Child Might Be At Risk On-line:
- Your child spends large amounts of time on-line. Often times, online pretenders work during the day and spend their evenings on-line trying to locate and lure children. Most children who fall victim to computer-sex offenders spend large amounts of time on-line, particularly in chat rooms in the evening.
- You find pornography on your child's computer. Sex offenders often send potential victims pornography as a means of opening sexual discussions and for seduction. Child pornography may be used to show the child victim that sex between children and adults is "normal."
- Your child receives mail or gifts from someone you don't know. As part of the seduction process, it is common for offenders to send letters, photographs, and all manner of gifts to their potential victims. Computer-sex offenders have even sent plane tickets in order for the child to travel across the country to meet them.
- Your child turns the computer monitor off or quickly changes the screen on the monitor when you come into the room. A child having inappropriate conversations does not want you to see it on the screen.
- Your child becomes withdrawn from the family. Computer-sex offenders will work very hard at driving a wedge between a child and their family or at exploiting their relationship.
What Can You Do To Minimize The Chances Of An On-line Pretender Victimizing Your Child?
- Talk to your child about sexual victimization and potential on-line danger.
- Spend time with your children on-line. Have them teach you about their favorite on-line destinations.
- Keep the computer in a common room in the house, not in your child's bedroom. It is much more difficult for a computer-sex offender to communicate with a child when the computer screen is visible to a parent or another member of the household.
- Utilize parental controls provided by your service provider and/or blocking software. While electronic chat can be a great place for children to make new friends and discuss various topics of interest, it is also tracked by computer-sex offenders.
- Maintain access to your child's on-line account and randomly check his/her e-mail.
- Be aware that your child could be contacted through the U.S. Mail.
- Be up front with your child about your access and reasons why.
- Instruct your child to never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they met on- line; upload (or post) pictures of themselves onto the Internet or on-line service to people they do not personally know; give out identifying/personal information such as name, home address, school name, or telephone number; to never download pictures from an unknown source; or, respond to messages or bulletin board postings that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or harassing.
Another League member and attendee, Meredith Schneider, commented on the training, I have not fully checked it out myself, but the FBI agent suggested referencing netsmartz.org for tips on how and what to communicate with kids regarding internet safety. He also suggested passing it along to schools to spread the word. Another point of the discussion revolved around smart phones. In the "olden days" parents could monitor computer use, because it was a fixed object. Now, smart phones and exposure to even younger kids is more prevalent, so education for both parents and children need to begin earlier.
Should your child receive child pornography, be sexually solicited by someone who knows that your child is under 18 years of age or receive sexually explicit images from someone who knows your child is under the age of 18, keep your computer off, do not attempt to copy any images or emails (unless instructed by law enforcement) and contact your local or state law enforcement agency, the FBI, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Should your child receive child pornography, be sexually solicited by someone who knows that your child is under 18 years of age or receive sexually explicit images from someone who knows your child is under the age of 18, keep your computer off, do not attempt to copy any images or emails (unless instructed by law enforcement) and contact your local or state law enforcement agency, the FBI, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
March 12, 2012
Member Spotlight: March Edition, Group 4
Welcome to the JLPA-MP's 2012 March edition of Member Spotlight. Check out the first published group from this series on 2/27/12.
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Paris. We rented an apartment and spent a week just walking around and enjoying the city. It really is an inspiring and exciting place. First chance I get, I’m going back!
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Don’t do cartwheels in the classroom or you’ll get a time-out.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
I’m looking forward to learning what the league does and meeting all the women in the league.
Name: Anne Sherwood
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Florence, Italy
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Edit! Edit again!
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Meeting the other Provisionals and active members. We just moved to California from the east coast.
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
The Greek Islands – totally relaxing and full of so much history at the same time.
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
To take chances and to try new things – worst case it gives you a great story.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Meeting new people and making friends! I’m new to California so I am excited to make some local friends.
March 08, 2012
Member Spotlight: March Edition, Group 3
Welcome to the JLPA-MP's 2012 March edition of Member Spotlight. Check out the first published group from this series on 2/27/12.
Name: Melonie Martinez
Name: Melonie Martinez
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
South Africa
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
Someone is always watching you! I was really tired one day in graduate school and was falling asleep in class. Later I found out that my friends were laughing at me as they watched my head bopping up and down – I didn’t know them at the time but now we are friends.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Meeting new people and becoming more involved in community projects. Leadership roles as well!
Name: Jennifer Allivato
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
To always raise my hand to volunteer! I ended up on the student counsel and many more awesome opportunities came from volunteering.
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Meeting people and becoming more active in the community.
2011-12 Placement: Provisional Class
1. What is the best place you’ve ever gone on vacation?
Destin, Florida. It’s a really nice beach, but it sticks out in my mind mostly because of how much fun I had with my friends. The place isn’t as important as the people you’re with and the memories you make!
2. What is one lesson you learned in school that you’ll never forget?
If a boy is mean to you, it really means he likes you…who made this okay to teach kids? Brainwashing!
3. What are you most looking forward to this league year?
Meeting lifelong friends while still serving others. What a blessing!
March 06, 2012
ABC² Amy's Bean Counting Corner
By Amy Aldrich, Treasurer
After reading Michelle Hostrup’s “TOP TEN LIST” blog, she inspired me to step away from my spreadsheets and blog about what I love most… the League’s finances! With over eight months of the League year behind us, I thought an update might be warranted.
TOP TEN REASONS THE LEAGUE WILL BE IN THE BLACK (or at least net zero as planned)
#10: As of January 31, 2012, revenue earned is 76% of goal.
#9: As of January 31, 2012, budget spent is 53% of goal.
#8: That means a little more than half of the budget has been spent in the first eight months.
#7: The Shop has reached 84% of the revenue budget goal YTD.
#6: The Endowment has reached 100% of the revenue budget goal YTD.
#5: The Home Tour has contributed over… just kidding… I don’t even know the number yet… more to come, I promise.
#4: Fund Development is working hard to bring in grants to support the revenue budget goals.
#3: As a Leaguer, you have supported the League’s mission with your dues and reached 99% of the revenue budget goal YTD.
#2: Each committee has been fiscally responsible to not overspend its budget. Keep up the good work for the remaining months of the year!
And the #1 reason the League will be in the black this League year…
#1: YOU! It is through your contributions of time, talent and treasure, some careful planning and responsible spending, that all of us can be proud of the accomplishments of the year so far!
For those who enjoy pie charts and spreadsheets, you can email me and I will provide further details regarding the League finances. Please feel free to contact me, our Finance VP Jovita Honor or President Meaux Costello if you have questions or comments about our financial position.
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