August 02, 2013

Leaning In … for Nearly 50 Years!

By C. Anne Vitullo, 2013-2014 Communications VP

Like many women here in Silicon Valley, my summer reading has included Sheryl Sandberg’s "Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead." Although her book is largely about our roles in the workplace, one passage struck a particular chord with me—and the work we do as League members in the community.

Here it is:

"At Facebook, we work hard to create a culture where people are encouraged to take risks. We have posters all around the office that reinforce that attitude. In bright red letters, one declares, “Fortune favors the bold.” Another insists, “Proceed and be bold.” My favorite reads, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

When it comes to League members, I think it’s safe to say we’ve never been afraid! Risk-taking is part of our organizational DNA. Consider some of the ways in which League members have contributed to our community over the years: mentoring teens to help them build personal growth and self-awareness ... working with children whose lives have been touched by addiction … teaching life skills to formerly homeless families … educating parents on the importance of reading to their children.

We’ve never been afraid to tackle the hard, seemingly intractable problems in our community: illiteracy, homelessness, drug addiction, at-risk youth. With nearly 50 years of service here on the Peninsula, we can point with pride to programs begun by our League, such as Rebuilding Together Peninsula and the Daybreak Program for Homeless Youth, that are still going strong more than 20 years later. We roll up our sleeves ... contribute our skills and abilities … make time to volunteer even when our days are squeezed and our commitments many. In short, we lean in! Indeed, we were leaning in long before Sheryl’s best-selling book!

The summer issue of Piper features a special “Year in Review”, highlighting our involvement and celebrating our impact over the past year. You'll find a copy on our web site at I hope this report renews your commitment to the League—and makes you proud to be a member of this wonderful organization.

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