July 12, 2011

Open House at the Gatehouse, 6/29/2011

By Summer Brill, Communications VP 2011-12

What a wonderful evening at the Gatehouse! We welcomed over 30 prospective members at our first Open House of the summer. I was excited to introduce two of my friends to our League members and meet more women who are interested in learning more about the League.

Calla Griffith and Regine Nelson welcoming prospective members.
Calla, Regine and their committee set the stage for a fun evening with good food, margaritas, wine, and of course, cupcakes! After some social time, Calla gathered everyone outside and welcomed everyone to our Open House and introduced Meaux, our President. She gave a brief history of the League and shared some of her experiences over the years with fellow League members who are still good friends of hers. Next up was Joy Peacock, Membership VP. She gave an interesting run-down of the demographics of our League and a brief overview of our Community Projects.

Next up, Angie Klein and Lauren Case, Co-Chairs of the Provisional Committee this year. They outlined the Provisional year and welcomed everyone who attended our Open House and invited them to consider joining the League if they felt it was the organization they were looking for.

Naomi Chavez Peters with prospective members
We then had more time to socialize and it was so fun to walk around and watch and hear the animated conversations between current members and prospective members. It was a fun and lively event and we hope to see everyone at our Provisional Retreat on September 10th! We look forward to our remaining Open Houses this summer, if this Open House is any indication of future events, this is going to be a fun and lively summer season!

Lauren Case, Angie Klein and Kate Hurley.
If you are interested in learning more about our League or joining us for a summer Open House, please click here for more information. 

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