October 05, 2012

California SPAC and JLPA-MP Support the C.A.S.E. Act

By Bena Vohra, Senior SPAC Delegate

A couple of weeks ago I had the great pleasure of presenting at the September General Membership Meeting.  I had spent hours preparing, learning about human trafficking in the United States, studying Proposition 35 (a.k.a. the C.A.S.E. Act), and watching videos.  This was a meaty issue that the League and League members could impact immediately, and I was excited to share what I had learned. 

C.A.S.E. stands for Californians Against Sexual Exploitation, and the act specifically fights human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children.  Human trafficking is a criminal business that profits from enslaving people for sexual servitude and forced labor.  In other words, it is modern day slavery.  It is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the world today, second only to drug trafficking.
California is a particular hotbed.  Here are the facts:

·       3 of the highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation: Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego
·       Average age a victim is first trafficked for sex in the U.S.: 12-14 years old
·       Many victims are runaways who already suffered sexual abuse as children.
·       Traffickers or pimps are master manipulators who gain a victim’s trust before forcing them into commercial sex acts and keep them compliant through violence and drugs.
·       The prevalence and anonymity of the internet has fueled the rapid growth of sex
trafficking, making the trade of women and children easier than ever before.

What Proposition 35 (C.A.S.E. Act) will do:

1.     Increases prison terms for human traffickers.
2.     Requires convicted sex traffickers to register as sex offenders.
3.     Requires all registered sex offenders to disclose their internet accounts.
4.     Requires criminal fines from convicted human traffickers to pay for services to help victims.
5.     Mandates law enforcement training on human trafficking.

At the end of the meeting, a Provisional came up to me and said, “What you’re doing, I want to do that!”  I couldn’t have imagined a better response!

Learn more www.caseact.org, tell your friends and family, and above all, vote.

Learn about the other propositions on November’s ballot at the Election Forum on October 9!  Details at http://bit.ly/SHZfV1

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