Shannon Blote
2011-12 Placement: Fund Development
What’s in your bag? A half-eaten day-old wheat bagel, Nordstrom bill, wallet, keys, notepad and business cards.
What has been one of your favorite league events? The Gold Party at The Shop because there were free lattes!
Describe the league in 3 words: Philanthropic, organized, social.
Name a fear you’ve overcome and how you did it: Solicitation. I started with groups I was comfortable with and went from there.
Did you meet any new league members last year? Kelly Dayton transferred to the Palo Alto Mid Peninsula league and was on The Shop committee with me.
Alyse Benham
2011-12 Placement: Home Tour
What’s in your bag? Phone, wallet, sunglasses, lipgloss, keys and a pen.
What has been one of your favorite league events? The Pancake Breakfast! It was my first Junior League event and by far my favorite. It set a great scene for all future league events.
Describe the league in 3 words: Fun, inspiring, rewarding.
Name a fear you’ve overcome and how you did it: Running has always been a fear of mine, but I am in the process of training for a marathon and conquering my fear!
Did you meet any new league members last year? Yes! I met Summer Tokash, Jen Baker, Lauren Wald and many more.
Christyn Tannenbaum
2011-12 Placement: Communication Team
What’s in your bag? New google t-shirt, umbrella and android.
What has been one of your favorite league events? Home Tour Opening Night Celebration
Describe the League in 3 words: Community, friends, fun.
Did you meet any new league members last year? Yes, Ashley Roussel. I met her through another league member and we all went out for cocktails.
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