April 14, 2011

Member Spotlight!

Welcome to Member Spotlight! This week get to know Ansley Jentz, Joy Peacock, Tara Roussel, and Meaux Costello. Enjoy!

Ansley Jentz
Current Placement (2010-11): Member Development Council Assistant & Member of Strategic Task Force
2011-12 Placement: Member Resources

Please share your most memorable placement and why:
My experiences on Nominating Committee are my most memorable & treasured. The people/friends have meant the most and I'm proud of all the great work that we accomplished. Highly recommend it-teaches so much about the League.

Five things you don't know about me:
1. I just created a new company so I can turn my hobby/passion into a career!
2. I find it hard to shop for myself these days - buying for kids is so much easier.
3. I can't wait to go on Spring Break!
4. My favorite color is yellow - it's a soft yellow
5. Life is good-I'm thankful for each day!

Joy Peacock
Current Placement (2010-11): Community VP
2011-12 Placement: Membership VP

Please share your most memorable placement and why:
Fostering Families - awesome team and great impact!

Five things you don't know about me:
1. I hate lamb
2. I like Sesame Street
3. I like Justin Timberlake
4. I used to go by "Beth", my middle name
5. I have two left-handed kids

Tara Roussel
Current Placement (2010-11): Nominating Chair-Elect
2011-12 Placement: Nominating Chair

Please share your most memorable placement and why:
Serving on our Board of Directors. President Jan Woolsey inspired me with her unique, warm brand of leadership. It was a joy to work with her and all the Board Members, to further our important work in this community!

Five things you don't know about me:
1. I love to sing!
2. I hate cooking
3. Fellow Member Ashely Roussel is my sister-in-law (OK, maybe you already know that!)
4. I'm still in my mid-20's
5. I think Summer Brill is HOT!
6. I think I'm hilarious

Meaux Costello
Current Placement (2010-11): President Elect/Provisional Committee
2011-12 Placement: League President

Five things you don't know about me:
1. I love to needlepoint. I find it very zen, but sadly I don't get to it as much as I would like.
2. Chef Boy-ar-dee Ravioli is one of my comfort foods (Don't Judge :))
3. I have five sisters and one brother and I am the shortest of my siblings
4. I'm very proud of my stepdaughter Deirdre, who got married over the summer. She lives in Boston.
5. My favorite color is Blue

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