March 03, 2010

Leading: A Balancing Act

"I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense."
-- Harold S. Kushner

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m really ready for spring to get here. It seems we have had a long winter, and while I’ve been pretty productive in the past months, it is exciting to know that longer, sunnier days are ahead.

As thoughts of spring cleaning and changing routines come to mind, I have a few tidbits of inspiration to share as March rolls in. The tidbits come from a great League training last year at the Gatehouse with a speaker named Susan Stone Belton. She shared these ideas and I haven’t put them away yet.

Ways to Achieve Work, Personal, and Family Balance

· Set your priorities ~ delegating tasks helps to accomplish more. Learn to distinguish between “have to” vs. “want to.”

· Have clear expectations ~ clear expectations lead to more support and less confusion. Stop trying to be perfect (we can only try to do our best every day).

· Use your limit setting skills ~ keeping firm limits helps you be prepared for unexpected results. Be willing to say no, and do not feel guilty.

· Give yourself the gift of transition ~ take the time to mentally shift from one role to another. Suggestion to use a landmark on commute as a cue to switch roles.

· Take care of yourself ~ you are ultimately responsible for your own happiness. Make time for yourself.

· Always work at finding balance ~ never give up. Keep a sense of humor.

So as you continue to lead your committees toward your year-long goals, remember to balance your home life, your League life, your career, and all the other aspects of life as best you can. You are a volunteer, a role model, and a leader. You inspire so many whether you know it or not, and the League is fortunate to have you as members of our leadership team.

I wish you balanced and healthy days ahead! Have a great month – and thank you for your care and leadership!

Some of this month’s sources include: Personal notes and content from Susan Stone Belton (

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